Friday, December 16, 2011

Unable to compete with Facebook, Google + stated FAILED!


Google senior engineer, Steve Yegge, a leaked internal document that the core of the document is his personal opinion as an expert by stating that Google + is a complete failure.

Google Plus fails, good between where facebook with google +, most popular social networking, the failure of Google plus the opponent's facebook, Google product fails to document that contains a critical analysis of the understanding is Google's social media was originally intended for his companion, but what the documents are not accidentally plastered on Google page + hers, the following quotation:''Google + is an important example for the total failure of our (Google) in understanding a platform from the executive level of the most high (hi Larry, Sergey, Eric, Vic, howdy howdy) to go down to the level workers at the bottom (hey yo). We all do not understand it.''

But that is not the real reason of the success of Facebook. Facebook can be successful because they build a whole constellation of products by allowing people to do their job.''Yegge writes in his pages Google +.

Furthermore, he writes:''The last thing that can not be executed properly by Google is on the platform. We (Google) do not understand about the platform.''

Seeing as Google + silence now, if Google + will be another one of Google's products are acceptable to the market failure? A quote is pretty good and I'm sure you know it, "failure is the door to success". Is Google + Facebook as successful going for a long time in the future? Only time and the consistency of Google as the 'owner' Google + was the reference.


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